Cole Sprouse: I like to watch grown men cry

Los Angeles, March 10 : Cole Sprouse likes to watch grown men cry. The actor, popular as Jughead Jones on the series "Riverdale", made his confession while opening up on the "The Drew Barrymore Show".

Incidentally, while the young actor worked with Sandler way back in 1999, in the film "Big Daddy", Barrymore co-starred with the comic superstar in films such as "50 First Dates", "Blended" and "The Wedding Singer".

The subject came up when Barrymore said: "I presented him (Sandler) an award around that time and I didn't want to write a speech because I like to speak off the cuff and from the heart, which is always more stomach churning and intimidating, and I made him tear up -- which I was very proud.

Adam is just not a big crier so if you can get to him, I was like, 'Good I want you to feel something'."

To which Sprouse replied: "I also like to watch grown men cry."

He also revealed while speaking to Barrymore that he had a crush on actress Jennifer Aniston when he filmed "Friends" with her.

"Yeah, I did.

It actually made it quite difficult to work in front of her, I must admit. I was a child, I would stammer a lot and I would forget my lines. I feel like I'd maintain my composure a bit more effectively now but it was quite difficult when I was a kid.

I was teased a little bit by the crew because they saw it and I would just forget and be looking at her, but then the whole world had a crush on Jennifer Aniston," Sprouse recalled.

His passion other than acting is archaeology.

"I enjoy travelling quite a lot and it's very romantic. There's tremendous wisdom that comes from travelling and I believe the privilege of travelling is one of the greatest educations we can receive.

I studied a profession that forced me to grow and learn. In a way, the study of Archaeology and travel became something I loved doing all the time," Sprouse said on the show that airs on Zee Cafe in India.



Source: IANS