Covid: Colour-coded stickers for Mumbai vehicles

Mumbai, April 17 : In a unique initiative to curb unnecessary traffic on roads, the Mumbai Police have introduced 'colour-coded stickers' for all authorised vehicles which are allowed to ply in the current stringent restrictions, a top official said here on Saturday.

Mumbai Police Commissioner Hemant Nagrale said in a statement that the the colour-stickers -- red, green and yellow -- are being issued free of cost from this evening by local police stations to vehicles falling under the authorised categories.

"While red stickers will be for doctors, nurses, health professionals, medical supplies, ambulances, etc, the green stickers would be for all types of foodstuffs, milk, bakery products, vegetables, fruits, and yellow shall be for movement of people engaged in critical services like civic staff, telephones, media, et al," Nagrale said.

The measure is being taken after complaints that these service vehicles were getting stuck in massive traffic snarls, especially at toll posts entry-exits to the city.

Officials said that this course of action is intended to deter all non-authorised vehicles taking to the roads, as some people were even found going for joy-rides or long-rides, creating traffic hurdles for essential vehicles on roads and highways.

Nagrale further warned that anybody found violating the rules or misusing the colour-code stickers would be dealt with strictly and prosecuted under various provisions of the law.



Source: IANS