New Delhi, Dec 31 : With widespread flouting of minimum wage norms in several government and private establishments, the Delhi government on Monday asked its department heads to enforce the minimum wage law for workers in their respective industries.
During its 10-day-long 'Operation Minimum Wage' undertaken during December 10-21, the Labour Ministry found several workplaces not complying with the minimum wage law by either not paying the wages on time, paying less wages, or taking the money back once transferred into the bank account.
In an advisory issued on Monday, the labour ministry asked the principal secretaries, secretaries, and the heads of departments of the Delhi government to "ensure that workers/employees engaged in their respective department through contractors are paid wages on time".
It also issued a warning of punishment against employers and contractors if they choose to breach the act.
"Any violation of these provisions attracts prosecution/challans under the relevant provisions of labour laws both against the principal employer as well as the contractor," it read.
The government has fixed wages of various categories on the basis of skills. The minimum wage for the unskilled labourers is Rs 14,000 per month while that for semi-skilled is Rs 15,400 per month and for the skilled, it is Rs 16,962 per month.
The violations noticed during the drive included late payment of salary, employers taking back the money from the worker after transferring it into his account and keeping the passbook and signed bank chequebooks of workers.
Source: IANS