Delhi’s peak power demand reaches 6,612 MW; up by 3,000 MW from 2006

New Delhi, June 3 : Amid the rising mercury levels in the national capital, the peak power demand on Monday touched 6,612 megawatt (MW), highest for the season and up by about 3,000 MW from the peak power demand recorded in the city in 2006.

The power demand of the city had crossed the 6,000 MW mark last Wednesday and has been rising since then.

It touched 6,560 MW on Sunday night, higher than the annual peak load of 2017 -- 6,526 MW recorded on June 6, 2017 -- according to the State Load Dispatch Centre (SLDC).

"The city is prepared to deal with a peak of 7,110 MW.

Last year, the peak power demand of the city created a new record when it crossed the 7,000 MW-mark -- the highest ever.

But we dealt it without any difficulty. We are well prepared this time as well," an official from the Delhi Power Department told IANS.

Last year on June 1, Delhi's power demand hit an all-time high of 6,651 MW.

In July, it created a new record with peak demand rising to 7,016 MW.

When compared to 2006, the peak power demand of the city this year has seen a rise of about 3,000 MW.

On July 14, 2006, Delhi's peak power demand was recorded at 3,639 MW, according to the SLDC data accessed by IANS.

In 2007, the peak demand was recorded at 4,030 MW on June 11.

The peak power demand of Delhi went up to 4,036 MW in 2008, when it reached the highest point of the year on July 24.

It has seen an increase of about 300 MW for the next three years, when it reached 4,408 MW (July 8, 2009), 4,720 MW (July 1, 2010) and 5,028 MW (August 2, 2011).

In 2012, it jumped to 5,642 MW on July 5.

It was almost similar in 2013, when Delhi's power demand was recorded at 5,653 MW on June 6.

In 2014, it went up to 5,925 MW on July 15 and dropped next year to 5,846 MW on June 19, 2015.

In 2016, it crossed the 6,000-mark when the peak power demand of Delhi was recorded at 6,261 MW on July 1.

In 2017, the peak power demand was recorded at 6,526 MW on June 6.

This year, the peak power demand is again expected to cross the 7,000 MW-mark as the temperature is constantly increasing.

(Nivedita Singh can be contacted at



Source: IANS