Disney won’t cut ‘Beauty and the Beast’ gay moment for Malaysia

Washington D.C. [USA], Mar. 16 : Looks like Malaysians will have to wait a little longer for 'Beauty and The Beast' as Disney has said that it would not allow the live-action fairytale romance to be screened with edits.

According to the Hollywood Reporter, Disney said that it will not cut the gay scene from the flick for release in Malaysia, despite a request from the country's Film Censorship Board.

Instead, the studio has pushed back the release of the film that stars Emma Watson till March 30 in case the censor board decides to keep the scene in.

Moreover, a spokesman for the studio told the BBC that the film "has not been and will not be cut" for the release.

On a related note, the movie has also been banned by a cinema in Alabama because of the scene..

Source: ANI