Diversion trials on Gurugram-Delhi expressway to continue

Gurugram, Feb 27 : The traffic diversions put in place on the Gurugram-Delhi expressway at the erstwhile Sirhol toll by traffic police on Sunday will continue for a few more days, an official said on Tuesday.

Police have also requested commercial and non-commercial vehicles to use only commercial and non-commercial lanes, respectively.

"The trials will go on for a few more days and (we) request you all to support us to ensure smooth traffic and minimal inconvenience," the officer said.

In an effort to streamline the traffic movement at the erstwhile Sirhol toll on the Gurugram-Delhi expressway, Police Commissioner Sandeep Khirwar along with other senior officers on Tuesday visited the spot and had a detailed discussion on the crucial points leading to the traffic snarl.

On Sunday, traffic police decided that Sirhol toll area will have clear demarcation of entries and exits.

"We all are aware that the Sirhol border toll area has very large volume of traffic with multiple entry and exits, creating traffic snarls on the stretch daily.

"To address the same, we decided to start trials on Monday in order to improve things and have relief from traffic jams in the area," a police officer said.

"Though we have already issued an advisory and used different means to communicate to road users but still being the first working days after the weekend, many people were caught unaware and faced traffic jam," he said.

On Tuesday, there was a slight relief in the situation as compared to Monday.

"We are concerned about the trouble you went through yesterday but we want to assure you that we are putting our best efforts to curb the traffic jams and we hope things will definitely start improving soon," he added.



Source: IANS