Lucknow, April 20 : Congress National General Secretary Priyanka Gandhi has urged Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath to do away with the referral system for admission of Covid patients in hospitals.
In a letter sent to the Chief Minister on Monday evening, the Congress leader drew his attention to the fast-deteriorating Covid-19 situation in districts of UP, particularly Lucknow.
Highlighting the problem being faced by people in getting their kin admitted to hospitals through the referral slip system, she urged the Chief Minister to simplify the process and reduce their sufferings.
"There are reports from different ends that patients coming from other districts are not being admitted without the letter of the Chief Medical Officer (CMO).
This system has become a means of harassment for patients already facing trouble. People are forced to wait for long hours. Many have lost their lives while waiting," Priyanka said.
Asking the Chief Minister to do away with the referral system, she wrote, "You can understand that patients and their relatives are already in deep trouble.
This kind of red-tape is only adding to their problems. Please consider each life important and make admission in hospital easy for Covid patients."
She also wrote about the shortage of oxygen in the state.
"How will those who have quarantined themselves in their home get oxygen cylinders when the need arises?" she asked.
She also wished the Chief Minister a speedy recovery from the pandemic infection.
The Chief Minister had tested positive on April 14 and has been under isolation since then.
Source: IANS