Total Dhamaal, which released in February this year, was a blockbuster. The film was the third installment in the Dhamaal franchise which starred Ajay Devgn, Madhuri Dixit, Arshad Warsi, Javed Jaffrey, Anil Kapoor, Riteish Deshmukh, Sanjay Mishra and Johny Lever. While was a hit, it seems like the makers owe a huge amount of money to the banks.
According to the source, "Indra Kumar and Ashok Thakeria owe Rs. 15 crores to the banks as they had taken loan for the film. Apparently, Total Dhamaal went over budget by Rs. 10 crores after Ajay Devgn bought entire rights to the project. Not just that, the actor, as a gesture of goodwill, even invested the additional amount and even spent for the film's VFX as well. Ajay had bought all the rights from Maruti International. While Maruti made some profits, post the success of the film, they had to pay the excess cost as producers which wiped out their entire profits."
Further, the source revealed, "The banks reportedly want Indra Kumar and Ashok Thakeria to sell their offices and residence. But they have given them some additional time after the duo pleaded for an additional grace period. The makers have also been served notices by the Income Tax department for default in TDS payments deducted and not deposited with the government running into crores. They will also have to pay penalty and the interest for default."
“In addition to that, Ashok and Indra have not paid their crew of Total Dhamaal as yet and the last installment is pending," added the source.
Total Dhamaal, directed by Indra Kumar, collected Rs 154.23 crores at the India box office.
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