Gurgaon (Haryana), July 30 : Gurgaon Police has made detailed plans to avert traffic jams during the current monsoon season, which has led to a flooding of key roads, including the National Highway 8 and 248A.
Gurgaon Police said that fourteen crucial points have been chosen mainly on the NH8 and NH248A to facilitate the exit of of vehicles in a smooth manner.
The district police has deployed personnel 24x7 for the same. Gurgaon Police said that at each of the 14 points, inspector rank officers have been deployed with other police personnel in two shifts to ensure that traffic moves smoothly.
The day shift will be from 8 a m to 8 p m and night shift from 8 p m to 8 a m. These duties will continue till further orders, said the district police. The traffic nightmare in the Millennium City was so bad over the last two days that some commuters confirmed that they had been stuck in jams since Thursday evening.
The last two days have been declared as the worst-ever traffic jam, with thousands of motorists remaining stuck on a stretch of the Delhi-Gurgaon Expressway - between Rajiv Chowk and Hero Honda Chowk, going towards Jaipur - for more than 12 hours.
Traffic on the stretch normalised only late on Friday, nearly 24 hours after the jam began. The unprecedented jam, triggered due to heavy rain on Thursday evening and the breach of the Badshahpur drain, brought the city to a standstill on Friday morning.
In view of widespread waterlogging, the administration has issued an advisory for the schools to remain closed for two days.
The situation prompted Haryana Chief Secretary D.S. Dhesi to hold an emergency meeting of the Crisis Co-ordination Committee at Chandigarh and two senior IAS officers were immediately rushed to Gurgaon to co-ordinate and speed up operation to clear the jam.
The National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) and the Ministry of Road Transport also deputed teams of senior officers to ease the situation.
Source: ANI