Hyderabad construction firms asked to take care of migrant workers

Hyderabad, March 26 : The Telangana government on Thursday asked construction companies to take care of migrant workers at construction sites in Hyderabad.

Minister for Industry, Information Technology and Municipal Administration K.T.

Rama Rao held a meeting with the Construction (and) Builders' Association representatives and reviewed the conditions of migrant labour at construction sites in Hyderabad.

He asked all the construction and infra companies to take care of the migrant labour who are working in their sites.

The builder community should cooperate and ensure their workers who came in from other states are being taken care of.

"Food, basic amenities, and healthcare needs should be made available," said KTR, as the minister is popularly known.

The minister asked the representatives to keep a close watch on the sanitation levels at the construction sites and also watch out for any Covid-19 symptoms in the labour.

He assured that the teams from Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation (GHMC) and doctors from Basthi Dawakhaanas will be available to assist them medically.

A multi-department team will be in place to assist the construction industry with logistics.

The state government will monitor the situation in these camps closely.



Source: IANS