Impact of CPEC discussed by exiled Kashmiri leaders

Birmingham [United Kingdom], Aug.5 : Exiled Kashmiri leaders and human rights activists recently held a seminar in Birmingham to discuss the plight of people living in Pakistan-administered Kashmir and Gilgit Baltistan.

They also denounced the construction of the multi-billion dollar China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) project in the region.

They claimed it was an attempt by China to stake a greater claim in the disputed territory of Gilgit Baltistan.

SHAUKAT ALI KASHMIR, Chairman, UKPNP, said, "The people of Pakistani Kashmir had to travel to such remote parts of the territory, whose names they have never heard of in search for jobs.

I feel it is a deeply sad and disturbed state of affairs in Pakistani Kashmir that people have to endure." Locals believe that China will be the real beneficiary of the multi- billion dollar project and exploit the rich resources of the region.

The leaders also highlighted the suffering endured by the people living in Pakistan's illegally occupied territories.

Source: ANI