Infosys unveils 4.0 AI version for global enterprises

Bengaluru, Oct 22 : Software major Infosys on Monday jointly unveiled the 4.0 version of Artificial Intelligence (AI) framework for industry, utilities and infrastructure enterprises, with Finland-based consulting and engineering firm Poyry plc.

"The Kriti 4.0 version AI framework addresses lifecycle management challenges industry, utilities and infrastructure enterprises face in operational technology (OT) systems," said the city-based IT behemoth in a statement here.

The Vantaa-based Finnish firm serves clients globally in energy and industrial sectors and provides engineering services in its core markets.

"The new version applies AI, cognitive/machine learning and Machine to Machine (M2M) capabilities to the industrial environment by identifying critical enterprise systems and assets and provides better understanding of their behavior to create value for their customers," said the statement.

Infosys AI platform executes complex, advanced analytics and machine learning models, exchanging information with Poyry's RAMS (reliability, availability, maintainability, safety) methodology.

Launched in April 2017, the Nia software collects an enterprise data from people, processes and legacy systems into a self-learning knowledge base and automates repetitive business and IT processes, freeing human role in solving customer problems.

The new framework also empowers decision-makers with real-time knowledge for operating and maintaining their OT systems, using predictive and prescriptive analytics.

The new platform also reduces system maintenance costs and operation shutdowns and improves reliability, employee and environmental safety.

"In digital world, our clients need to leverage their assets to create tangible RoI (return on investment) in a short time.

Our IoT services are focused on impacting top line and bottom line, leveraging capabilities to remote-monitor products and assets, prevent breakdowns and analyse data to optimise performance across the production system," said Infosys engineering services head Nitesh Bansal.

Poyry's energy business group president Richard Pinnock said in Krti, real-time data from critical assets was converted to information with computing and business intelligent algorithms, enabling proactive prescriptive decision-making.



Source: IANS