After all the changes, delays and second thoughts Nagraj Manjule’s Hindi directorial debut Jhund is finally ready for release. Jhund, which tells the story of the much-revered Nagpur-based football coach Vijay Barse who did for underprivileged footballers what Anand Kumar does for maths students, has finally got a release date.
And it is December 13. Though not official as yet, the decision to finally release Jhund in December has been taken by the film’s producers who feel the subject has the potential to become another Super 30.
Jhund will have to share screens on December 13 with Mardaani 2, the sequel to the 2014 film which featured Rani Mukerji as a cop busting a child trafficking gang. Despite a botched up climax, the film did well enough to merit a sequel 5 years later.
Of course, the fact that the leading lady is the producer’s wife did not influence the decision at all. However, with a big Bachchan starrer coming into the picture, Mardaani 2 may not find the going easy on December 13.
Also Read: Jhund makers to celebrate Amitabh Bachchan’s birthday by releasing the trailer or music album