Ivanka Trump present at White House women’s business initiative with Trudeau

Washington D.C. [U.S.], Feb. 14 : U.S. President Donald Trump and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau have openly expressed their disagreement on a range of issues including climate change and immigration, however, both leaders were seen on a common ground in an event, forged in large part by Trump's daughter, Ivanka, who has been the loudest voice for women's issues in her father's administration.

During the meeting held in the Cabinet Room, Trudeau sat across the table from Trump, surrounded by a dozen female CEOs and business leaders.

The President pledged the launch of the United States Canada Council for the Advancement of Women Business Leaders-Female Entrepreneurs, intended to discuss, formulate and implement support for women in the workplace, the CNN reports.

The meeting kicked off as President Trump kicked read a statement about the initiative's goals, which include growing women-owned businesses, retaining women in the business world, supporting women who work and who have families and helping female entrepreneurs have better access to capital in order to support growing businesses.

Thanking Trudeau for his being present at the event, Trump presented him with a photograph of Trump with Trudeau's father, the late former Canadian Prime Minister, Pierre Trudeau.

"I'm really looking forward to hearing from each of you who serve as tremendous role models for me and so many other business leaders across both of our countries," Ivanka Trump said at the onset of the meeting, which was attended by CEOs from companies such as Trans Alta, Accenture North America and GE Canada.

Trudeau is a natural partner for the women's council initiative - as he has been devoted to equality in the workplace, where he has pledged to make 50 percent of his Cabinet female.

Source: ANI