New Delhi, May 20 : Automobile manufacturer Kia India has contributed Rs 5 crore to the Andhra Pradesh State Disaster Management Authority (APSDMA) for Covid-19 relief work.
According to the company, with the second wave of Covid-19 and the exponential rise in cases across the country, the contribution has been made to support the state and its people in these testing times.
"The surge in cases during the second wave of Covid-19 has taken all of us by surprise," Kia India Managing Director and CEO Kookhyun Shim said.
"The funds will be deployed towards meeting the increased requirement of essential medical equipment, including oxygen concentrators, ventilators, cryogenic tankers and D4 type medical grade cylinders in hospitals.
We will continue to extend complete support to the government and health authorities to fight the pandemic and come out of it safely."
During the first wave of Covid-19, the company had joined hands with the state government in the fight against the global pandemic and had donated Rs 2 crore of CSR funds to the CM Relief Fund.
"While the Indian government has implemented several measures and announced several aids to tackle the situation, Kia India is doing its bit to stay socially responsible and committed towards extending every possible support to the community and is taking all necessary measures to fight the second wave of Covid-19," the company said in a statement.
"The brand will continue to support the country, governments and is committed towards being a partner in the national fight against coronavirus."
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Source: IANS