Lok Nayak hospital defers mess opening

New Delhi, April 28 : Even as the mess workers tested negative for coronavirus, Delhi's COVID-19 dedicated Lok Nayak Hospital has deferred the opening of its mess untill the second test of the workers.

According to an official source, the mess workers have been asked to quarantined as per the protocol, even though they were tested negative in the first test.

While the Hospital had decided to open the mess from Monday after the workers test negative last week, now it has decided to wait until the second test.

"Mess services of LNH have not resumed as yet.

As a precautionary measure, the resumption of mess services has been deferred till the result of the second COVID-19 test of the mess staff," the official told IANS.

On April 23, the COVID-dedicated Hospital shut its kitchen after the dietician associated with the mess of the Hospital was tested positive for coronavirus.

At least 11 family members of the dietician were found positive for coronavirus on Monday.

Speaking to IANS, an official source said while the family was infected, all the contacts at the hospital have tested negative.

The hospital is taking help of the private players and two in-house canteens to supply the food.



Source: IANS