Malayalam film’s shooting resumes, amid adherence to healthcare norms

Kochi, June 15 : Even though the hustle and bustle and camaraderie one associates with movie-making was missing, the shooting of Malayalam film 'Tsunami' resumed here on Monday amid strict adherence to health protocol amid the coronavirus crisis.

According to the new health guidelines to be observed during film shoots, only indoor shooting is permitted but the total number of unit hands should not exceed 50.

Wearing of masks by all is a must.

The shooting of the movie helmed by popular father-son duo of Lal and Lal (Jr) began in February 2020 but was interrupted by the nationwide lockdown in March.

The movie is directed by Lal (Jr), while his father -- a veteran actor, producer, and director -- is handling the script.

Lead actor Aju Varghese, Innocent, Balu Varghese, and Mukesh are among the movie's cast.

"We thought to wait a little more to resume shooting, but were forced to start again due to certain reasons.

We are following the government's Covid protocols. Though 50 people are allowed for indoor shooting, we have lesser numbers. We never ever thought that film shootings would be like this some day," Lal said.

Varghese admitted to fear about coronavirus among unit people, but maintained that life has to go on.

"Yes, we are worried, but we have to now live with it.

Till we come before the camera, we are using masks. Things are tough, but now all will have to get used to this also," said Varghese.

The director appeared in a pragmatic mood and said there were lots of limitations to work with masks.

"But the beauty of it all is that we have all got back to work," he remarked.



Source: IANS