In the Sanjay Dutt bio-pic Sanju, Manisha Koirala had played Sanjay Dutt’s mother. But Sanjay Dutt was played by Ranbir Kapoor. So Manisha says it didn’t feel “weird” playing his wife in Prassthanam, the Hindi remake of the Telugu blockbuster which opens this week.
And Manisha clarifies, “In Sanju I didn’t play Sanjay Dutt’s mother. I played the great Nargis Dutt who just happened to be Sanjay Dutt’s mother. That was my big high, and the reason I agreed to do the role.”
She describes Dutt as one of her favourite co-stars. “We’ve done quite a few films together in the past like Yalgaar, Khauff and Mehbooba. We share a fantastic rapport.”
And even if we look at Manisha’s role in Sanju as that of Sanjay Dutt’s mother, Manisha is no stranger to pushing the relational envelope. In the year 1996 she played Nana Patekar’s daughter in Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s Khamoshi - The Musical, and then his wife in Agni Sakshi during the same year. “That’s okay,” Manisha laughs. “It’s only acting.”
Also Read: Sonam Kapoor Ahuja has no idea what Prassthanam is!