Bengaluru, May 1 : Spitting, urinating, littering and not wearing a mask in public will attract a penalty of Rs 1,000 at first instance in the city amid COVID-19 pandemic, the civic body commissioner said on Friday.
"Any person, institution, organisation, etc., violating these regulations shall be proceeded against by competent authorities empowered under the Epidemic Diseases Act, 1897," said Bruhat Bengaluru Mahanagara Palike (BBMP) Commissioner B.H.
Anil Kumar in an order.
On every second and subsequent violation, the BBMP will penalise Rs 2,000.
"Wearing a facial mask to cover mouth and nose is compulsory in public places and in any working space with more than five people," he said.
Kumar also directed households and commercial establishments to seal used masks and gloves to be handed over to waste collectors for safe disposal.
"Spitting, urinating, littering and any kind of related public nuisance is banned and will be considered as public offence," he said.
The new order will be implemented from Friday until further orders.
Source: IANS