Bhopal, Dec 24 : Over 1.59 crore cards have been made in Madhya Pradesh under the Ayushman Bharat Yojana that aims to provide access to free healthcare for 40 per cent of the country's population, official sources said.
As per the Health Department data, 1,59,21,457 cards were prepared under the Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (PM-JAY) till date in the state, including 1,20,000 on December 22.
As many as 1,41,36,700 cards were made for the eligible families before April 2020 but the process slowed down somewhat due to coronavirus pandemic.
As many as 17,84,757 cards were made from April 2020 onwards.
Public Health and Family Welfare Minister Dr Prabram Chaudhary said he was satisfied with the speed with which the central scheme cards were getting made.
Despite the fact that doctors and staff of the Health Department were battling coronavirus pandemic since March 2020, officials did not lag in ensuring benefits to the people under the Ayushman Bharat Yojana, he added.
Chaudhary said that the health scheme covers the food security slip holders and other beneficiaries of the Sanbal scheme under the National Food Security Mission.
Public service centres in the state have been entrusted with the responsibility of making Ayushman Yojana cards to enable treatment to members of all eligible families when they visit hospitals for treatment.
Source: IANS