Pakistan’s Jamaat-e-Islami to take out solidarity march in support of Muslims in Syria, Myanmar

Karachi [Pakistan], Jan. 1 : Jamaat-e-Islami (JeI) Karachi chief Hafiz Naeem-ur-Rehman has urged people of the city to join in a march to express solidarity with their Muslims brothers in Syria and Myanmar.

The JeI has finalised its arrangements for the 'Umaat-e-Rasool' march to be taken out today, reports the Daily Times.

The march is being taken out to spread awareness in society and to express solidarity with oppressed Muslims in Myanmar and Syria, particularly in Aleppo.

The JeI has already taken stakeholders of the society on board in connection with the march. Jamaat-e-Islami Pakistan chief Senator Siraj-ul-Haq will be leading the Umaat-e-Rasool march. Jamaat Islami Karachi delegations led by city chief Hafiz Naeem Rehman had approached all prominent religious scholars in the city to gain their support on the issue.

Source: ANI