Sunny Deol’s son Karan Deol is all set to step into the big world of Bollywood as he awaits the release of his debut flick Pal Pal Dil Ke Paas. The film, starring himself and another debutant Sahher Bambba, releases in two weeks. Prior to that, the two actors along with Sunny Deol (who wears the director’s hat with this one) and Dharmendra graced the trailer launch event in Mumbai. As they indulged in a candid conversation with the press, Dharmendra also gave away that there’s one habit of him which his grandson should not inherit.
“It has been 60 years here and I am still getting a lot of love and respect from everyone because I have always been a good person. You should be humble, nice and be good with the unit and I can see you (Karan) are like that. As far as qualities are concerned, what I don’t want him to take from me is drinking. He shouldn’t drink,” he said.
How was it for the debutant to be directed by his father? “Dad said it would be better if he just stayed behind the monitor instead of telling us what to do. All he instructed us to do was feel the character and go for it,” answered Karan.
And the most pleasant part of the conversation is here. Dharmendra, who is well into his 80s but remains as energetic as ever, is still up to do a love story! “I can do anything. I am still full of love and action,” he said.
How sweet is that?