Pharmacopoeia Commission proposes reduction in tests on animals for drug manufacturing

New Delhi, Jan 21 : The Indian Pharmacopoeia Commission (IPC), responsible for setting standards for drugs, has proposed a significant reduction in required tests on animals for producing recombinant antibody drugs and for developing test methods for assessing drugs action or effects in living systems.

The proposal was given while incorporating recommendations from animal rights organization -- People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) India.

The Indian Pharmacopoeia Commission has invited comments from the stakeholders on the proposed drafts before February 22.

The animal rights organization, in its recommendation, pointed out that available non-animal methods and practices can effectively replace the use of cows, rabbits, rats, and other animals for the production of drugs and for the development of test methods for assessing drugs.

IPC's proposal also mandates that companies must justify their continued use of animals for these applications and that the number of animals used must be minimized to the greatest extent possible.

"PETA India applauds IPC for proposing to reduce the use of animals in drug production and for recommending the inclusion of modern, non-animal test methods," said PETA India Science Policy Adviser Dipti Kapoor.

"PETA India is calling upon the companies producing recombinant antibodies and developing bioassays to show their support for IPC's progressive initiatives," she added.



Source: IANS