Piers Morgan scores an owngoal in trolling JK Rowling?

London [UK], Feb. 15 : The Twitter war between JK Rowling and Piers Morgan doesn't seem to be getting over soon as the Harry Potter author lands a cunning blow to Morgan on the Valentine's Day.

The 51 year-old author took to Twitter and posted a photo of a post, which termed her an "intensely" private, successful author, who has encouraged children "to read, feel inspired and be creative," reports the Guardian.

Surprisingly the piece was written by none other than Morgan himself. She tweeted alongside, "Just been sent this! Could the writer let me know who he is! I'd love to thank him! #Valentines." The British journalist was quick enough to reply to this and addressed Rowling as "priceless #humblebrag BS," which is defined as ""an ostensibly modest or self-deprecating statement whose actual purpose is to draw attention to something of which one is proud." His tweet read, "Priceless #humblebrag BS.

Nobody plays the celebrity game more abusively or ruthlessly than you, Ms 'Intensely Private Billionaire'." On the same note, when a leading webloid reporter tweeted that it was Morgan himself who had written the quote, the latter defended himself by saying, "Relax, quarter-wit, I knew what it was.

Just surprised I put her as high as 97th." This takes us back to 2010, when Morgan placed the 'billionaire author' on 97th in his list of '100 British Celebrities who really matter' and now he seems to be questioning his own past judgement.

For the unversed, the two celebrities have been battling each other on social media, since Rowling wrote that Morgan "being told to f**k off on live TV [was] exactly as satisfying," as she had imagined and and in return, he called her "superior, dismissive and arrogant.".

Source: ANI