Positive parenting key to shaping up kids’ personality: Experts

Jaipur, Jan 10 : In order to raise better and more successful human beings, positive parenting is the key as children are the reflection of their parents, experts said here on Friday.

The way parents deal with their children is the key factor to determine the approach children will take towards problem solving, decision making, goal pursuance, handling stress, understanding and managing their emotions, dealing with success and failures and so on, they noted during the 'Positive Parenting Seminar' here.

"The worldviews, beliefs and values of a child are implicitly developed and influenced by those of parents," said Sanjeev P Sahni, Behavioural Scientist and Principal Director of the Jindal School of Behavioural Sciences (JIBS), a value-based research Institute of OP Jindal Global University.

According to Sahni, parents play a very important role in supporting the development of their child during the crucial period of 0-7 years.

These years of child development are crucial to the health, wellbeing and overall trajectory of the lives of the children in a variety of ways.

"Fortunately, there are many things that parents can do to help their children develop and grow," he said.

Sahni also emphasised on the behaviour patterns of parents and consequent influence on children.

These behaviours can be both consistent and inconsistent. There is an adverse effect of parents' inconsistent behaviour on children and how their behaviours are modeled as a result.

According to Sahni, there can be communication roadblocks, which can also adversely affect the mental health of the child.

At home, children occasionally become embroiled in conflict with parents, which is inevitable.

"Helping kids develop healthy confliction skills does take time and a consistent approach. Children always watch how parents behave," he noted.

According to the Social Learning Theory, people learn by watching others.

Children do the same. Kids repeat what they hear, and they imitate what they see. For this reason, it is important for parents to be mindful of the things they are teaching their children.



Source: IANS