Pregnant Paloma Faith rushed to hospital for second time

London, Jan 23 : Singer Paloma Faith, who is expecting her second child, had to be rushed to the hospital for the second time after she complained of cramps.

The actor conceived her second child after six IVF attempts and had been to hospital earlier when she felt contractions.

However, that turned out to be a hoax.

Talking about her recent trip to the hospital, Paloma shared a post on Instagram, saying: "Had a little trip to the MFAU this week with some cramping.

They ruled out preterm labour (phew) and rigged me up to the machine for a bit. In the scan, it shows that the womb lining is super thin around the scarring from the last birth and that means it's pretty weak.

Maybe the baby being so big (everyone says wow super long legs when they scan me) is putting pressure on it and making it a bit crampy."

Paloma, who is expecting her second child with boyfriend Leyman Lahcine, went on to praise the hospital staff.

"But what I do know is the hospitals are doing an incredible job in all this at keeping the maternity-related wards so clean and so calm given that the other day we had the highest death toll of covid related deaths so far," she posted.



Source: IANS