Python rescued from air force septic tank in Agra

Agra, Jan 23 : A 4-foot-long Indian Rock Python was rescued by Wildlife SOS from an open septic tank inside the Airforce station in Agra.

The snake, rescued on Friday, is currently kept under observation and will be released back into its natural habitat once deemed fit.

The reptile was trapped in an open septic tank used for treating wastewater inside the Airforce Station in Agra.

A two-member rescue team from the wildlife conservation NGO was quickly dispatched to the location.

They carefully extricated the reptile from the tank and placed it in a safe transport container designed for the purpose.

The python appeared to be weak and exhausted from the ordeal and is currently being kept under close observation.

Baiju Raj M.V, Director Conservation Projects for Wildlife SOS, said, "We often receive calls from the Airforce station about animals caught in distress situations.

The air force camp is surrounded by a large forested area which is home to several species of flora and fauna."



Source: IANS