Russia accuses Western media of spreading ‘fake news’

New York [USA], Feb. 23: The Russian foreign ministry has accused some major Western media, of spreading false news about the country.

According to CNN, accusing media like The New York Times, Bloomberg and NBC, Moscow has started compiling a list of offending articles on the respective Western media's websites.

As of Wednesday morning, the compilation included five news stories, one each from Bloomberg, The New York Times, NBC and the Santa Monica Observer, a free local weekly newspaper in California, and the Daily Telegraph in the U.K.

Screengrabs of each story are displayed with a big red "FAKE" and "Contains false information" stamped on it.

The page provides links to the original news stories and a short message stating, "information in this material does not correspond with reality." Information and Press Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation director, Maria Zakharova, said the project was aimed at countering an "information campaign aimed against Russia," by exposing false statements from leading foreign media outlets and officials.

"Stories about Moscow's attempts to hack foreign elections and Russian submarines operating in northern Europe were examples of such fake news," CNN quoted Maria as saying, On a related note, in the recent past, the U.S President Donald Trump has branded some major medias as "failing" and "fake news.".

Source: ANI