Saw a major shift in the approach to made-to-measure: Danish designer

New Delhi, Nov 27 : Danish designer Alexander Asvarischtsch, who was on his India visit, said that the country has witnessed a major shift in the approach to make to measure.

"We've seen a major shift in the approach to made-to-measure over the years.

I believe the market is more aware of the benefits and experience of tailoring a personalized ensemble," Asvarischtsch told IANS over an email when asked about India as a market for the International brand to expand in days to come?

"Our Travelling Tailor service has helped us bring the luxury experience to our customer's doorstep and we hope to expand the same to all tier 1 cities in the coming year," he added.

Asvarischtsch is also the chief designer of brand Tailorman that had its first store launch, here at Ambience mall.

The premium menswear label is known for its unparalleled fit, quality and personalization.

Talking about expansion plans in India, he said, "Currently, we've established ourselves in the south region and have a recurring client base.

With our expansion to Delhi, we've expanded our boundaries. With that, we hope to soon expand ourselves to major markets like Mumbai and Pune where the audience has a natural inclination and need for personalized clothing."

Asvarischtsch says that India has been and will continue to be the brand's biggest market "even as we eventually branch out to Europe and the Middle East."

"When we started out, we realized there is a need for personalized tailoring and Tailorman was that bridging gap," he said.



Source: IANS