Scientists work on response of cancer to radiation

WashingtonD.C [US], Dec. 3 : A recent research published in Nature Communications provides an early evidence that a panel of microRNA may be used in the future as a biomarker for several types of cancer.

Using a mouse model, Lead researcher Anand and his team demonstrated how microRNAs in the tumor microenvironment play a critical role in tumor progression and response to radiation therapy.

With microRNAs, the team mimicked features of the autoimmune disease lupus within cancers to provoke an immune response.

This promising, early research may one day translate to human cancer radiation and treatment, and begs the question: Can we use microRNA biomarkers to influence cancer radiation? "Biology is such a random process," Anand said.

Adding, "Two neighboring cells won't always act the same way, just like two people don't react the same way when they see the same event.

We hope we will one day be able to read microRNAs and predict if a person's cancer is going to respond to radiation.".

Source: ANI