New Delhi [India], Jan. 16 : Looks like Rishi Kapoor and Ranbir Kapoor were quite a team, even back in the very old days. The 34-year-old actor's mother Neetu Kapoor recently took to social media to give fans a glimpse at the father-duo at work, bonding on the set of Rishi Kapoor's 1996 movie 'Prem Granth.' The throwback picture shows very young Ranbir seemingly busy with the clapboard that says "Scene no 52, shot no 8, take no" of the movie shoot taken on May 28, 1994.
Ranbir is seen in a striped hoodie and a dark coloured cap, dedicatedly holding up the board while his father readily poses in a high waist pair of denims and a matching tee.
"Hope in future Son will direct the Kapoor!" she captioned the Instagram post. So far, over his span of career in Bollywood, the 'Ae Dil Hai Mushkil' actor has worked with his father in the movie 'Besharam' in 2013.
Source: ANI