SGPGIMS does 1st robotic renal transplant

Lucknow, Aug 8 : The doctors at the Sanjay Gandhi Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences (SGPGIMS) here have performed the first robotic kidney transplant, a state-of-the-art technique in the field of minimal invasive surgery in Uttar Pradesh.

The team was mentored by Rajesh Ahlawat, an expert in minimally invasive renal procedures, and SGPGI's head of urology and renal transplant department Professor Aneesh Srivastava, who has mentored teams doing renal transplants at various medical colleges.

The renal transplant was done on a 42-year-old female patient from Barabanki, diagnosed with end-stage renal disease by head of nephrology department Professor Narayan Prasad.

"She had been on maintenance haemodialysis since April 2019.

Her mother agreed to donate a kidney to her. She underwent work up for ABO compatible renal transplant for immunological matching, after which the transplant surgery was planned," Prasad said.

When the transplant was recommended, Srivastava told the patient about the robotic option to which the family agreed.

"The patient is stable.

The procedure has opened a window of opportunity for renal transplant seekers, especially those who are overweight," he said.

The feat puts Lucknow in the league of a few centres in the country doing such surgery.

The institute had procured a medical robot in 2019, and over 200 robotic surgeries have been performed in the last two years.

"Robotic surgery means smaller incision; it makes patient management easier and shorter post procedure care.

It means shorter hospital stay and reduced chances of infections," he explained.



Source: IANS