New Delhi [India], Mar. 29 : Shiv Sena MP Anandrao Adsul on Wednesday moved a notice on his colleague Ravindra Gaikwad's issue in Lok Sabha, who was barred from travelling from any flight after he hit an Air India staffer with his slipper over an argument of sitting arrangement.
Sorces said, Lok Sabha Speaker Sumitra Mahajan has sought details from all stakeholders in the case. Earlier Gaikwad, submitted a complaint against Air India before the Delhi Police alleging that he was pushed and yelled on.
In his complaint, Gaikwad, who allegedly manhandled Air India staffer, said he was made to travel by Air India on economy class even as he had business class ticket.
The Shiv Sena is also likely to bring a privilege motion in the Parliament over the issue of Gaikwad being put in 'no fly list' of all airlines.
Air India and six private airlines banned the 56-year-old MP from flying as he refused to apologise for the incident that triggered nationwide outrage.
The Osmanabad MP after being blacklisted by the top airlines boarded a train to Mumbai earlier on Friday evening.
Asserting that all MPs need to attend Parliament diligently and cannot always travel by train, Lok Sabha speaker Sumitra Mahajan today called for resolving the issue of Shiv Sena MP Ravindra Gaekwad's 'flying ban' by several airlines through amicable talks.
"MPs need to attend Parliament and they cannot travel by train always. At times, they need to travel by plane also. I feel that this issue (blanket ban) should be resolved amicably through talks," said Mahajan after a meeting attended by Civil Aviation Minister Ashok Gajapathi Raju and Sena MPs.
Source: ANI