It was recently revealed that Shraddha Kapoor will star in the third instalment of Baaghi with Tiger Shroff. Shraddha Kapoor was also the leading lady of the first instalment and is elated to be back in the franchise. Baaghi 3 is being directed by the famous choreographer Ahmed Khan and the recent details about this action-packed film have only increased the excitement for it.
While we are all aware than Tiger Shroff will be undergoing some intense training in Kalaripayattu, Kick boxing, Muay Thai, Krav Maga, and Kung Fu along with learning the art of handling shot guns, pistols, and machine guns, Shraddha Kapoor will not be the one to stay behind. According to the director, the actress will be undergoing training for Mixed Martial Arts and Judo in Serbia. She will be trained by three action masters, Kecha Khampakdee and Slavisa Ivanovic who’s from Serbia, along with a Bulgarian trainer. With Riteish Deshmukh playing Tiger Shroff’s brother in the film, Shraddha Kapoor will be seen essaying the role of an air hostess.
After wrapping their schedules in Mumbai, Delhi, and Agra, the Baaghi 3 team will leave for a 40 days long schedule in Serbia.
Also Read: Baaghi 3: Shraddha Kapoor to essay the role of air hostess in Tiger Shroff starrer