The Pyaar Ka Punchnama couple, Sunny Singh and Sonalli Seygall, will next be seen in Luv Ranjan’s Jai Mummy Di. The movie is supposed to be a funny one with Supriya Pathak and Poonam Dhillon playing the roles of the protagonists’ mothers. The movie was announced a long time ago and was supposed to clash at the box office with Hrithik Roshan’s Super 30.
However, to avoid the clash, the makers had indefinitely postponed the release. Now, the release date is finally out and the film will hit the screens on January 17, 2020. After the movie was announced, Luv Ranjan said, “Jai Mummy Di is a witty and entertaining family comedy. Films like our very own Sonu Ke Titu Ki Sweety and even Badhaai Ho that released last year have proven that there is a big audience for stories which weave in family dynamics interestingly.”
Jai Mummy Di is produced by Luv Ranjan and Bhushan Kumar’s T-Series.
Also Read: EXCLUSIVE: Sunny Singh and Sonnalli Seygall’s Jai Mummy Di release date CHANGED