Chennai, April 1 : Manithaneya Makkal Katchi on Tuesday urged Muslims who had returned to Tamil Nadu from Tablighi Jamaat headquarters in Delhi to self-report to the Health Department, even as 50 such persons from the southern state have so far tested positive for coronavirus infection.
"We and the leaders of the community have appealed to the people who have returned from Delhi to report and get themselves screened," MMK leader M.H.
Jawahirullah told IANS.
He said that a majority of those who had already reported themselves to the health officials for tests had tested negative.
Jawahirullah said those who tested coronavirus positive have been admitted in isolation wards in hospitals.
He said about 1,100 persons from Tamil Nadu had attended the Tablighi conference in Delhi, of which about 600 returned.
"About 500 persons stayed back in Delhi and are now under the Delhi government care," Jawahirullah said.
On Tuesday, Revenue Commissioner J.
Radhakrishan appealed to Nizamuddin Markaz attendees to self-declare for tests and other necessary steps.
Similarly, officials in several districts have appealed to the attendees to report themselves to health officials for screening.
Source: IANS