Tibetans celebrate 61st anniversary of democracy day

Dharamsala, Sep 2 : The democratically elected Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) on Thursday commemorated the 61st founding anniversary of the Tibetan Parliament following the arrival of His Holiness, the Dalai Lama and 80,000 Tibetans in exile.

On February 3, 1960, barely 10 months after arriving in exile in India, the representatives of Tibetans gathered for the first time in Bodhgaya and took oath to forge unity and cooperation under the guidance of the spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama.

"Today, as we commemorate the 61st democracy day, we extend our heartfelt greetings to our compatriots in Tibet," the Kashag or Tibetan cabinet said in a statement.

"No matter how much China's propaganda machinery make false claims of development during the 70 years of so-called peaceful liberation of Tibet in its recent White Papers, Tibetans inside Tibet have maintained indomitable courage and determination in the face of China's continued policy to exterminate the Tibetan identity, and they have been making all-round efforts to protect Tibet's religion, culture, language and tradition, for which we remain deeply grateful.

"It is this strength that unites the Tibetans in exile and keeps alive the freedom struggle.

It is the common wish in our heart to reunite in Tibet and we would like to appeal to our brethren in Tibet not to lose their determination."

The Kashag has been carrying out its administrative works without any negligence.

"However, the inability of the parliament to convene its session has been preventing it from carrying out its legislative functions.

Parliament is also not able to make use of the opportunities to plan activities and campaigns in accordance with the changing situation in China and the international community," it said.

The Kashag has been informed of several instances of the Chinese government exploiting this issue to spread falsehood inside Tibet, create division in the exile Tibetan community and misuse it at the international platforms.

Extending greetings to India, the US and all countries and Tibet Support Groups around the world for supporting the just cause of Tibet, the Kashag prayed for the flourishing of the meritorious works of the Dalai Lama and the spontaneous fulfillment of all his wishes.

The Dalai Lama has lived in exile in India since fleeing Tibet in 1959.

The exiled Tibetan administration is based in Dharamsala.



Source: IANS