Hyderabad (Telangana) [India], Jan. 21 : Telangana Rashtriya Samiti (TRS) MP K. Kavitha launched Tulip Logistics Services in Hyderabad on Friday. With the service, trucks operators will not have to depend on middlemen, who take huge commissions, for the next order.
Also, with this the truck's status and location will be displayed in real time making it is easy to get business for them.
"We will provide full support to Tulip Logistics and we need to get more such ideas to make Telangana a greater state," Kavitha said, adding that it is helping both transporters and customers save time while transporting their goods.
While heavy vehicle operators have the possibility of earning more revenue in the absence of middlemen, the customers stand to get a reasonable deal, she noted.
Founder and Chairmen of Tulips Logistics K. Madan said, "This way, the clients will only be charged one way unlike in previous times when they had to pay for the return trip of the vehicle as well." "There is no cash involved as transactions are carried out online.
To make sure that truck drivers have money to refuel their vehicles, we are handing over special cards that can be used in fuel stations," said another official.
Source: ANI