Trump extends support to Turkey in fight against terrorism

Washington D.C. [USA], May 17: U.S. President Donald Trump extended his support to Ankara for its fight against terrorism as he recalled the valour of Turkish soldiers in the Korean War.

He said in a joint statement with visiting Turkish President Recep Tayyip, "Turkish soldiers fought bravely alongside of American soldiers in the Korean War, and we haven't forgotten what they did.

Today we face a new enemy in the fight against terrorism, and again we seek to face this threat together." "We support Turkey in the first fight against terror and terror groups like ISIS and the PKK, and ensure they have no safe quarter, the terror groups.

We also appreciate Turkey's leadership in seeking an end to the horrific killing in Syria," he added.

He said that he is discussing with his Turkish counterpart to reinvigorate trade and commercial ties. On his part, the Turkish leader said that it is important to forge a close solidarity and cooperation to fight terrorism, primarily with Daesh.

"Taking YPG (Popular Protection Units) and PYD (Democratic Union Party) in the region -- taking them into consideration in the region, it will never be accepted, and it is going to be against a global agreement that we have reached.

And we should never allow those groups to manipulate the religious structure and the ethnic structure of the region making terrorism as a pretext or an excuse," he added.

Erdogan also said that that he has been communicating his expectations with regard to the Fethullahist Terrorist Organization (FETO), which Ankara blames for last year's failed coup.

The meeting comes amid strong disagreements between the U.S. and Turkey regarding Washington's support for the YPG as Turkey views the group as the Syrian offshoot of the terrorist Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) organization.

The Pentagon said last week that the U.S. would begin directly arming the YPG..

Source: ANI