Trump signs bill to roll back last-minute Obama coal mining regulation

Washington D.C. [United States], Feb. 17 : President Donald Trump on Thursday ended the Obama administration rule aimed at stopping the coal mining industry from dumping waste into nearby waterways by signing a legislation.

The measure was approved by both the House and Senate through the little-used Congressional Review Act, that allows lawmakers to roll back any regulation the Obama administration instituted from June to his last day in office, reports the CNN.

This act has been used by Republicans to regulate what they call as a burden on economic growth and businesses.

CNN quoted a source close to the administration as saying, that Trump will take his executive action directing Scott Pruitt to make good on campaign promises related to climate change policy and regulations soon after the latter is sworn in as the administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency.

According to the source, the timing of executive orders by the President is still being worked out as to when he will act and how many will be there.

Source: ANI