UK records another 33,552 coronavirus cases, 1,348 deaths

London, Jan 24 : Another 33,552 people in Britain have tested positive for Covid-19, bringing the total number of coronavirus cases in the country to 36,17,459, according to the official figures released on Saturday.

Another 1,348 people have died within 28 days of a positive coronavirus test.

The total number of the coronavirus-related deaths in Britain now stands at 97,329, the data showed.

The latest figures were revealed amid rising concerns over coronavirus variants from abroad as Britain steps up efforts to enhance border control, the Xinhua news agency reported.

Peter Horby, chairman of the British government's New and Emerging Respiratory Virus Threats Advisory Group (Nervtag), said certain measures would slow down the movement of foreign coronavirus variants, but it would be "almost impossible" to control them completely.

"The variants are a concern..I think complete control of variants moving around the world is going to be almost impossible but we know that certain measures can slow the movement of these viruses around the world," he said.

The British government is considering the possibility of hotel quarantines for arrivals into the country amid concerns over new coronavirus variants abroad, local media reported on Saturday.

Government ministers will discuss the issue at a meeting on Monday whether to further tighten restrictions at the borders, according to a report.

England is currently under the third national lockdown since the outbreak of the pandemic in the country.

Similar restriction measures are also in place in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.



Source: IANS