Uncertainty clouds Taj reopening as Covid cases surge

Agra, July 5 : The Agra district administration is in a dilemma whether to allow reopening of the Taj Mahal from Monday or wait for some more days to allow the spread of Covid-19 to reach safer limits.

The Union Ministry of Culture in a directive last week announced reopening of ASI protected properties from July 6, with SOPs and safeguards in place.

The decision to reopen the Taj Mahal is expected to be taken by the district administration later in the evening.

But the situation in Agra is still alarming, feels experts.

The number of containment zones has gone up to 68. With 15 fresh cases in the last 24 hours, the tally of Covid-19 in the city is now 1,282. The number of discharged is 1,053, while the death toll is 90. Health department officials said the recovery rate was 82.04 per cent.

In neighbouring Mathura district, there were 16 fresh cases, while in Kasganj, 33 new cases has alarmed the district officials.

Agra district officials said the home to home survey for health status of family members has already started, with 1,722 teams put on the job.

The random survey has to be completed within 10 days.



Source: IANS