By, Smita Prakash WashintonD.C. [U.S], Nov.6 : Three days to go before Election day 2016 and a coalition of women, blacks and minorities are going to make it that much harder for a Trump presidency to happen.
College educated white voters are also more or less voting against Trump. It seems at this stage that Clinton in going to scrape through and to a large measure due to support from anti-Trumpers.
Regardless of what and where her servers were located, what her emails contained, Blacks and Hispanics are voting for Clinton.
Trump's rhetoric has offended first time voters, making them lean Clinton. The Republican National Party realizes that it has lost a large chunk of supporters, even in Red states.
Had Trump been more measured, had he not clowned along, first time voters would have leaned towards him.
Trump's undisciplined candidacy was there for all to see on real time on TV. For voters who get their news from television and the web, the anti-Trump narrative has hit home. Clinton's massive ad campaign has made an impact. First time voter David Glicklich told this reporter, "It seems with every presidential campaign cycle it gets uglier and uglier.
If voters aren't put off by the ads its surprising, although it just seems like the status quo at this point.
Our election has turned into a reality TV show with the final result show being broadcast on November 8th." Blacks, Hispanics, Asian Americans and Indian Americans are also leaning Clinton.
Among Asian Americans, Indians are the smallest group that support Clinton. Indian Americans tend to lean right in the past few years. Clinton's potential team of Huma Abedin and Robin Raphael has turned off some undecided voters who might have voted blue.
The race is tightening in the last three days. Team Trump is making an effort to reach out for the Asian vote. Team Clinton thinks those votes are already in for her. Racial minorities makeup less than 30% of voters so quite naturally in the last minute rush the two candidates are not making a pitch for that vote bank.
It is the majority that matters now. Early voters have been waiting for three to three and a half hours in states like North Carolina and Florida today.
In the dedicated voters lines are Whites, Asians, Hispanics and Blacks. Both campaigns claiming that the committed voters are theirs. But there are fewer Blacks lining up to vote in early voting lines as compared to the last two elections.
It does matter that there is no black man on the ticket this time. White turn out in early voting was up 15% as per some polls. That has enthused the Trump camp. Latino voters turned up in large numbers in early voting and that has made Clinton camp happy. Hillary Clinton has been concentrating on college communities where there are Asian Americans, Blacks and minorities whose votes lean towards her but she isn't leaving things to chance.
Trump has used racial epithets which he cant run away from and he isnt trying to either. He is relying on his surrogates to neutralize his racial rhetoric. Trump continues to appeal to the majority in America to get rid of "phony politicians and their phoney ways".
Trump's popularity doesn't seem to have taken a hit among his supporters. He is drawing the same level of crowds at this rallies. Yesterday Trump boasted that he didn't need celebrities to bring in support, taking a dig at Hillary's parade of Hollywood celebrities.
"I didn't have to bring J-Lo or Jay Z," Trump told a crowded rally Friday night in Pennsylvania. "I am here all by myself. Just me. No guitar, no piano, no nothing." Everybody is tired of this long election cycle. Many say they will vote just so it ends soon..
Source: ANI