Women like men who support their career post-marriage: Survey

New Delhi [India], Dec. 22 : A survey was conducted to find out young people's opinions on certain issues post marriage that concluded that women want to be with men who support their career and passions.

In an attempt to unravel the things young Indians are not okay with in a marriage, leading matchmaking brand, BharatMatrimony, launched a social media campaign "Ok Not Ok" in which over 1100 responses were received.

The audience was asked ten questions ranging from "Are you ok or not okay with someone 1) "who compares you with his mother?" 2) "Who is not keen to help you in household chores?" and "who supports your career aspirations?" The BharatMatrimony social media study found that more than 95% of young Indian women are not okay with their husband comparing them to their mother-in-law or not helping them in household chores.

When asked about a partner who does not communicate his/ her problems, 95% of them said they are Not Ok with it.

Majority also said that they did not like partners to bring up the past. The women said they were perfectly ok with someone who supports their career and their passions. While a majority of the men were okay with women who were willing to quit jobs and move to another city if a need arose and were happy if partners understood and supported their occasional late work hours.

Kaushik Tiwari, Head - Marketing at Matrimony.com, said, "We undertook this campaign to find out young people's opinions on certain issues post marriage so that BharatMatrimony could help them prepare better through guidance on www.happymarriages.com, our guide to a happy marriage.".

Source: ANI